1 box Duncan Hines golden butter recipe cake mix
1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk
1 can condensed milk
16 oz. whipping cream
3 egg whites
3/4 c. sugar
3/4 c. Karo syrup
1 tsp. vanilla

Follow instructions for cake mix. Pour batter into large Pyrex or 9x13 inch cake pan. Bake cake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until done. Remove from the oven and let cool in the pan.
In a bowl, mix the evaporated milk, condensed milk and light cream. Pierce the cake with a fork so that it will absorb the milk mixture. Pour the milk mixture evenly over the cake.

MERINGUE: In a saucepan, melt the Karo syrup and sugar. Beat the egg whites until foamy. Continue beating as you slowly pour in the warm syrup. Beat until meringue reaches a thick consistency. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cover cake with meringue and refrigerate.


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